Trips taken alone can certainly be fun and exciting, yet group travel may simply be the best. Of course, no matter how you travel you will likely face a few obstacles, but when you have a group of people with you these hurdles are typically much easier to get through. The advantages of group travel far surpass any of the pitfalls and that’s why we’d like to clue you in on some of these wonderful benefits.
Not sure what options are available? Group travel is whatever you want it to be! Here are some ideas to get you thinking... Culinary-focused cruises, wine-themed European river cruises, literary travel (or literature made into movies), multigenerational travel (maybe a family reunion at sea?!), active travel (golf, yoga), cigar-lovers destinations, or even distillery or brewery tours. The sky is the limit!
Here are 7 great advantages of group travel…
Planning for the trip isn’t just your responsibility. When you plan a trip with a group, everyone will likely want to partake in the planning process. With everyone’s ideas and desires combined, you’ll have one exciting trip planned in no time.
You won’t need to spend as much on a group trip as you would a solo trip. With the costs of lodging and amenities being split between all of those you chose to travel with, you will have more money to spend how you’d like to during the trip. Depending on where you and your friends choose to go and stay, there are many places that offer group promotions and discounts too.
You will experience more. Traveling with a group will encourage you to try new things. You’ll get to experience things you may not have ever thought of. You never know what someone in your group may come up with or what experience they already have which will only broaden your horizons and make the trip more memorable.
You and those you travel with will bond. Traveling with friends, coworkers, peers and even family will allow all of you the opportunity to bond more. Your group will have the ability to share unbelievable experiences that will create memories and strong bonds that will last a lifetime. Some of the greatest stories come from group travel experiences.
You’ll learn more and gain a new perspective. Those that come on the trip will have knowledge and insight of their own to share with everyone else. Since everyone is different, you can expect to learn a lot from the trip. Group trips will expand your mind and introduce you to new things.
Group travel is great for making new friends. Whether you are already close with those you travel with or not, you can expect to make new friends on your trip. If you weren’t too close with those that came on the trip with you, you will be much closer by the end of it. By chance you already have strong relations with those who came on the trip with you, with so many people around, it is certain you will all reach out and make new friends too.
You will always have someone willing to tag along with you. Although you may want to take off from the group and see some things on your own, there are times where it is better to have someone come along with you. If one person doesn’t want to walk to the middle of town with you for some coffee, just ask someone else in the group.
To gain more insight into group travel and its benefits, please send me an email with any of your inquiries. I will gladly get back to you as soon as I can.
Erin Smith ~ Affinity Group Travel Advisor